What is an Instructional Designer and What Do They Do?
Hiring an instructional designer? Learn more about the role and essential skills every designer must have.
CEO, LearnExperts
Hiring an instructional designer? Learn more about the role and essential skills every designer must have.
Learn what skills to look for and what questions to ask when hiring a training consultant.
Tools to help prospect, write better, deliver better customer interactions and track potential revenue.
Get our checklist of items to consider before committing to an eLearning authoring tool.
Learn how to create better product, skills and technology training for your sales and sales enablement teams.
Learn the three main categories that we use to classify learning technologies and how to approach each.
Learn about the learning framework that we have adopted that takes the best from other proven frameworks.
Tips for creating courses for continuing medical education, clinician training and other health education programs.
We break down many microlearning myths and why you want to get the real facts behind the stories.
Learn the basics of xAPI, and how to use the learning activities and experiences to drive training program insights.
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