Garth Smedley


Garth Smedley joins the LearnExperts team as Software Architect where he will guide the team on all the awesome new features we have planned for LEAi, our digital course developer. Specific responsibilities include:

  • Leading technically innovative solutions to our design initiatives
  • Continuing to create beautiful, intuitive, and responsive user experiences
  • Enhancing the scalability and performance of our SaaS cloud platform
  • Growing our fast and accurate machine learning platform that supports course creators

Garth started his software development career at the age of 13 by programming in assembler on a home-built microcomputer. He later graduated with honours from Acadia University with a B. Sc. In Computer Science and started his career at Bell Northern Research working on an entity-relation based data base management system.

Garth continued his education at UBC where he completed his M. Sc. In Computer Science specializing in computer vision and parallel programming. After graduating, Garth returned to Halifax and worked for several years leading development teams at start-ups based in Halifax and Ottawa. His accomplishments include working on an award-winning visual programming language, an early home internet appliance, and datamining systems.

In 2008, Garth was one of the founders of Kanayo Software which went on to create a remote patient monitoring system which was licensed by Tunstall, an international healthcare systems provider. In 2018 Kanayo was acquired by Tunstall.

Garth lives in Nova Scotia where he enjoys kayaking along the Atlantic coast, playing tennis, cycling and camping.


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