Prophix Uses LEAi for Corporate Training Development
Learn how this SaaS company specializing in CPM solutions uses LEAi for education development.
Learn how this SaaS company specializing in CPM solutions uses LEAi for education development.
Read how this software company uses LEAi to efficiently create new training by converting past video recordings into training.
Learn how the use of LEAi led to a 69% reduction in development time compared to traditional methods.
Explore implementation considerations and critical roles to drive success.
Learn how to group customers and tools needed to make the job easier.
Hear how Leighton used LEAi to quickly build training that follows learning frameworks like the ADDIE model.
Hear how Debbie uses LEAi to convert training videos into eLearning and save hours of instructional design time.
Read more corporate training basics and trends for effective and engaging programs.
Hear how Miki Ishikawa at OpenText uses LEAI to reduce the time spent to develop courses by 38%.
Learn about effective cross-selling techniques that sales and customer success can engage in.
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