Meet Miki Ishikawa, Learning Experience Director at OpenText. Miki is responsible for continuously improving the user experience and information architecture of the company’s revenue-generating Learning Management System (LMS). He is also responsible for integrating generative AI tools into learning content development workflow so the company’s business strategy remains innovative and forward-thinking.
This is what he says about using LEAi as OpenText’s AI content authoring solution:
38% reduction in time to build eLearning
“We’re using LEAi to supplement our content development process. Essentially, we’re using it to help speed up the storyboarding and the development of it.
By using LEAi, we have bypassed the traditional storyboarding process. You know, you do not necessarily have to build out storyboards using tools like PowerPoint or Word or any other mechanisms out there to build storyboards, but again, doing it directly within LEAi.
We’re seeing about a 38% reduction in the time to develop courses, including everything from the storyboard to the building of the courses to publication of the courses.
Being able to show these types of numbers coming back as a result of that investment has proven the ROI.”
Converting recorded instructor-led training to eLearning
“We do have a couple of other processes that we are leveraging LEAi that we’re also seeing great reductions in time and one of them is the conversion of recorded training.
We see a 57% reduction in the development of content if we take a recorded ILT session, feed it into LEAi and then have it create the SCORM files for us, as opposed to having an instructional designer go in, watch those videos, break them down into the appropriate modules, and then design those modules.
By bringing that course directly into LEAi, that video directly into LEAi, we’re seeing like I said a 57% reduction in the development effort.”
Creating test questions
“The other aspect that it’s (LEAi) helped us is with regards to knowledge check and assessment questions.
Before, most of our instructional designers would comment about how that was actually one of the more labour-intensive processes that we have.
With LEAi, it gives us that head start: It’s developing that question stem, it’s developing the correct answer, and it’s giving us recommendations for distractors that we can edit, as opposed to writing from scratch, so we’re seeing a great benefit in that.”
Why training leaders should use LEAi
“The savings in time, the ability for the content development team to be more efficient with the same amount of resources that they have on staff.
I know every L&D organization that I’ve spoken to, they all say the same thing – we’re asked to do more with the same amount of people we already have on staff.
That’s the beauty of an AI-powered tool like LEAi is that it gives you those efficiencies so that can do more with the same staff that you already have. You can scale up, take on bigger projects, take more projects, and because the team has a head start, then it’s immediately saving yourself a whole lot of time.
We find a project that you can have a measurable result, that you can do your own internal benchmarks to, and let the process of using LEAi just prove itself out by how much time you can save.”
Learn more about how LEAi can help you skip the storyboarding phase and build course content even faster!