Build and track your employee training plan
Use our simple template to create a training plan and track the courses that your employees have completed!
Use our simple template to create a training plan and track the courses that your employees have completed!
Ensure all bases are covered and identify resources required to delivery an engaging training plan
Get a picture view so you can focus your employee training program on the most important courses
Creating a training plan demonstrates to your employees that you are invested in their growth
LEAi is our course content authoring tool that transforms their existing information into content for their instructor-led training, eLearning, knowledge base articles, virtual class content, presentations, webinars, videos and more.
Less time to build content for your courses. LEAi automatically generates the learning objectives, the learning content and test questions for your courses – FAST!
Less time spent on repurposing content. LEAi will help you create multiple courses from your base content so you can create tailored training content.
Less time spent updating training content. Once you have built your training content in LEAi, updating content across all your courses becomes a breeze.
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